Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Ralph Nader for President 2008 blog

Breaking Point: For Posterity 11/03/08

Breaking Point: For Posterity

This election is about more than rhetoric in 2008.  It's about action for future generations.

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Unmasking the Thieves 11/03/08

Unmasking the Thieves

A message from our ballot access manager about the impediments that independent voices face.

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Breaking Point: Where's Your Candidate? 11/03/08

Breaking Point: Where's Your Candidate?

Upon emerging from the voting booth, my son was asked if he would like to have his picture taken with his candidate. He said he would and he stood off to the far left away from the two cardboard cutouts, next to an American flag standing in the corner.

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The Dick 11/03/08

The Dick

The first person to report on General Motors spying on Ralph Nader was a young reporter named James Ridgeway. Ridgeway wrote an article titled "The Dick."

The article was published on March 12, 1966 in the New Republic.

It was the first piece ever written about Ralph Nader's battle with General Motors.

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Pass It On: An Earful 11/03/08

Pass It On: An Earful

Now that the election is approaching, everybody is coming down from the hype to ask: what will happen after?

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Assets of America: Independent Media Center 11/02/08

Assets of America: Independent Media Center

The Independent Media Center (IMC) was established in 1999 for the purpose of covering the protests against the WTO in Seattle. Independent media organizations and activists came together to form a web site where their words and footage could displayed, a necessity given the mainstream’s ignorance to the disastrous impacts of so-called "free-trade” agreements.

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Breaking Point: The Real McCoy 11/02/08

Breaking Point: The Real McCoy

November 4th is only two days away!  New voters, converted voters, quadrennial voters, and those who have been disillusioned for many years are all rallying behind the one ticket that promises to be For the People and By the People: Nader/Gonzalez.

Onward to the polls!

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Don’t Waste Your Vote On a Blowout 11/02/08

Don’t Waste Your Vote On a Blowout

It's going to be a blowout.

All the Sunday talk shows predict it.

Even George Will said that Obama will win with over 370 electoral votes.

The bottom line: Obama and McCain have given you the green light to vote your conscience -- vote Nader/Gonzalez.

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He Can't Win 11/02/08

He Can't Win

The biggest threat to our democracy and our way of life today are those three words.

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Matt Gonzalez on NPR's Latino USA 11/01/08

Matt Gonzalez on NPR's Latino USA

Matt Gonzalez talks to Maria Hinojosa about the role of third parties, identity politics, and the prospects for our country in the next four years.

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