Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Ralph Nader Polling at 3%

Monday, November 3, 2008 at 12:00:00 AM

Press Release
Contact: Ryan Mehta, 202-471-5833, rmehtavotenader.org

Nader at 3% in this weekend’s CNN poll—on track to deliver surprise result

Ralph Nader’s Independent Presidential Campaign is polling three percent nationally, and he figures to be a factor in several key battleground states.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll conducted from October 30 to November 1, 2008 with 714 likely voters nationwide showed Nader pulling 3%, with Libertarian Presidential candidate, Bob Barr pulling 1%.

This poll confirmed the trend of numerous national battleground state polls including Florida* that show Obama’s margin enlarged when Nader is on the ballot, suggesting that Nader is drawing more votes from the McCain camp this year.

For example, without Nader on the ballot, Obama bested McCain by 7 points (53-46). With Nader in the mix, Obama’s lead grows to 8 points (51-43).

Today, Nader will be making campaign stops in Philadelphia at the Liberty Bell terrace, at the University of Delaware, and a District of Columbia tour of midnight shift-workers to reach out to the workers that keep our society going during the wee hours and receive little attention from the Presidential campaigns of John McCain and Barack Obama.

*http://www.newsweek.com/id/163470 (see this link for Nader effect in Florida—not what you’d expect)
