Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Protect Children Now

Protect Children Now . Many of the young people who came to work for Ralph Nader in the 1960s and 1970s - the Nader’s Raiders of our youth - went on to do great things.

One of those early shining stars was Robert Fellmeth.

After writing books and reports as a Nader’s Raider, Fellmeth went on to found the Children’s Advocacy Institute at the University of San Diego Law School.

Last month, the Institute released an eye-opening report titled "State Secrecy and Child Deaths in the United States."

The report finds that abused children are dying under a shroud of state secrecy.

It ranks all 50 states from A to F - and ten states get an F.

The report found that the majority of U.S. states fail to release adequate information about fatal and life-threatening child abuse cases, adhering to misguided and secretive policies that place confidentiality above the welfare of children and prevent public scrutiny that would lead to systemic reforms.

We wanted to bring this report to your attention.


Because throughout his career, Ralph Nader has come to the defense of children - protecting them from lead based paints, junk food corporations, air and water polluters, and manufacturers of unsafe drugs, automobiles, toys and other consumer products.

Right now, supporters of Nader/Gonzalez - young and old alike - are in Pennsylvania, gathering the more than 50,000 signatures we need to get on the ballot in the Commonwealth this November.

Our ballot access drive in Pennsylvania will cost $50,000.

In the past couple of days, 80 of you have donated $5,088.

We need another 450 of you to donate $100 each for us to meet our goal.

So, please, do the children of America a favor.

Help put Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot in Pennsylvania.

Thank you for your ongoing and generous support.


The Nader Team

PS: We invite your comments to the blog.

We need gas money - contribute.

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