Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Old Obama, New Obama

Old Obama, New Obama .

Ralph Nader stands for shifting the power from the big corporations back to the people.


Full stop.

End of story.

Contrast that with Senator Obama.

The old Obama said that he thought NAFTA was a "big mistake."

The new Obama isn’t so sure.

The old Obama said he would abide by public spending limits in this election.

The new Obama says he won’t.

The old Obama said he was for a change in foreign policy and surrounded himself with innovative thinkers with a chance to make a difference.

The new Obama has surrounded himself with veterans of the military industrial complex status quo.

The old Obama talked economic populism.

The new Obama talks corporate-speak and surrounds himself with economists from the Chicago School.

You know where Nader and Gonzalez stand on corporate power.

And that isn’t changing.

We’re at six percent nationwide in the most recent CNN poll.

We’re going to be on ten state ballots by the end of June.

And we’re shooting for 40 by the end of the summer.

Together, we are moving forward.

And together, we will make a difference in November.


The Nader Team

PS: We invite your comments to the blog.


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