Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Urgent: Five Days Left in Ralph's Home State

Urgent: Five Days Left in Ralph's Home State .

We’re up against it here in Ralph’s home state —- Connecticut.

I’m Ken Krayeske, the state coordinator, and I promised Ralph I would get him on the ballot here.

We have only 7,000 signatures in hand. And we need to get to 15,000 in five days.

We have 30 to 40 people on the ground collecting in Connecticut and we need to pay for their gas, transportation, copying costs.

You get the picture.

To do that, we need your donations now — $10, $20, $50, $100 — whatever you can afford.

Why are we busting it so hard every day to get Ralph on the ballot here?

Because it’s not just about Ralph.

It’s about you and me and a young man named Derek O’Kanos. (Check out Derek’s short video here about why he likes Ralph —- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfltpogno6c)

Last Friday, Derek phoned me.

"I want to help petition," he said.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Sixteen," he said.

"Wow! That’s fantastic, but you need an adult to help you out, because you have to be a registered voter," I said. "But before we get into logistics, I don’t often get calls from 16-year-olds. Can you tell me how you know about Ralph?"

"Two years ago, Mr. Nader came to my high school," Derek said.

"What school is that?" I asked.

"Enrico Fermi in Enfield," Derek said.

"No way," I said. "I helped organize that. There was a standing room only crowd. What did you think of Ralph’s speech?"

"I didn’t see it," Derek said. "I was a freshman, and I was in World History class, and my class didn’t go. I guess they thought that Ralph didn’t fit with world history."

"Bummer," I said.

"Yeah, but I’ve been interested in Mr. Nader since then, reading about him, and I want to help him," Derek said.

So we discussed strategies for him to convince adults in his life to go out and petition with him.

Derek recruited his uncle’s girlfriend to transport him and witness signatures at grocery stores.

Next, he corralled his grandfather to drive him around neighborhoods in suburban northern Connecticut. (Above is a photo of Derek and his grandfather)

Shortly after, I got this email from Derek:

"Today was truly amazing. No more than a few days ago I felt an overwhelming feeling of worthlessness. I felt that there was nothing that I could do due to my age and transportation issue. Then we talked and I went out and did something. I truly felt like I was a part of something, that I was making history. I could have volunteered for many other political campaigns, but it was the Nader/Gonzalez campaign that truly inspired me. I can openly support every policy of the campaign and sleep at night. This is a campaign that puts national interest before personal interest. We the people — not for sale! Gives me chills. It is truly amazing to see an entire organization of everyday people working towards one beautiful common goal and putting power back into the hands of the people."

Let’s not let Ralph, Derek and all our supporters down in Connecticut.

Donate now whatever you can afford.

Hit the contribute button.

Together, we are making a difference —- in Ralph’s home state and beyond.


Ken Krayeske, The Nader Team

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