Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Constitution Day Civics Quiz

Constitution Day Civics Quiz .

Donate $17 to Nader/Gonzalez.


It’s September 17, 2008.

Constitution Day.

And we’re really close to meeting our fundraising goal of $80,000 by midnight tonight.

Last we looked, we were just under $70,000.

So, let’s crank it up.

And get it done now.

And to honor the day the Constitution was signed, we have a five question Constitution Day civics quiz for you.

  1. Which candidate opposed the snoop enabling FISA law and the immunity bailout for the telecom companies — Obama, McCain or Nader?

  2. Which candidate called for the impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney for all of their crimes from the illegal war in Iraq to illegal wiretapping of unsuspecting Americas — Obama, McCain or Nader?

  3. Which candidate opposed passage of the Patriot Act and calls for its repeal — Obama, McCain or Nader?

  4. Which candidate opposes the death penalty — Obama, McCain or Nader?

  5. Which candidate would work to repeal corporate personhood —- and shift the power from the corporations back into the hands of the people — Obama, McCain or Nader?

The answers — Nader, Nader, Nader, Nader and Nader.

The Constitution is under siege.

And Ralph Nader is its defender-in-chief.

To honor Nader and his courageous defense of the Constitution, let’s push Nader/Gonzalez over the top today.

Again, we’re only $10,000 away from meeting our goal.

We need 600 of you — our loyal supporters — to give $17 each.

And we’ll make it.

And remember, this is the last day of our book offer.

If you give $100 or more now, we will send you In Pursuit of Justice, the 520-page book of essays by Ralph Nader — essays on corporate power, the Constitution, and transforming our country. If you donate $100 now, we will send you this historic collection — autographed by the man himself — Ralph Nader. (This offer ends at 11:59 p.m. tonight.)

So, keep your eye on the widget as we climb toward $80,000.

Give whatever you can afford.

Thanks to your ongoing support, we haven’t missed a fundraising goal all year.

And we don’t plan to start today.

Onward toward a momentous November.

The Nader Team

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