Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

E-mail subscription problems

Some of our subscribers have contacted us to say that their Nader/Gonzalez e-mail alerts are going directly to their "Bulk" or "Spam" folder, and bypassing their Inbox completely. Typically this happens when the subscriber is using an e-mail service like Yahoo!, Hotmail, Gmail, or any similar "free" e-mail service. We’ve also heard of similar issues for Bell South, AT&T, and Ameritech customers.

If you’ve taken the time to subscribe for information on the Nader for President 2008 platform, updates on Mr. Nader’s tour dates, and alerts on protests in "corporate occupied territory," we want to ensure that you and other Yahoo subscribers are able to receive them.

If you are a new subscriber, please be sure to:

  1. Add team@votenader.org to your e-mail address book
  2. Expect a mailing from Nader / Gonzalez approximately three to five times a week.
  3. Check your junk or spam filter for Nader/Gonzalez messages.

If you are an existing subscriber experiencing these problems, please take a moment right now to:

  1. Check your "Bulk" or "Spam" folder for messages from "The Nader Team" (team@votenader.org)
  2. If you find one, please click on the link to read the message, and then click on the "Not Spam" button.
  3. If you haven’t already, please add team@votenader.org to your address book.

This will help ensure that you continue to receive Nader/Gonzalez e-mails directly to your Inbox. 

If you’d like to help the Nader/Gonzalez message of change reach as many people as possible, please take a moment right now to contact your e-mail provider (some major providers are listed to the right), and ask them to ensure that e-mails from votenader.org reach your inbox. Your five-minute contribution of time will have a huge impact.

Many thanks in advance, and thank you for your ongoing support.